ReportsGlobal Goals Jam in Fukuoka 2018 Workshop「Design for SDGs」2018.12.26

What can design do for social issues?
The Design for SDGs / Global Goals Jam in Fukuoka 2018 workshop was held on November 29 (Thursday) – 30 (Friday), 2018, at the Design Common of Kyushu University Ohashi Campus. Global Goals Jam is conducted based on 17 sustainable development goals set by the United Nations “SDGs”, and it was held simultaneously around the world. This theme of this workshop was “Water and City”. We focused on Goal 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities” and Goal 14 “Life Below Water”. There 22 participants who came from 7 countries, including Japan, France, China, the Netherlands, and South Korea. They were divided into four teams to propose solutions for Fukuoka city and water issues using design techniques. On the last day, the teams proposed “Fukuoka Sewage Expedition”, “City Oasis”, “Kawasemi Project” and “KNOW MORE PLASTICS”.
The outcomes of this workshop were presented at an international conference on innovation management called ISPIMxFUKUOKA. Thanks to the many supporters who have collaborated, many proposed solutions have been obtained.
[Date / time] November 29th (Thu) -30th (Fri) 2018 10: 00-19: 00
[Location] Kyushu University Ohashi Campus, Design Common 2F (4-9-1 Shiobara, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City)
[Participants] Citizens, students, designers, researchers, etc. who are enthusiastic enough to participate for two days
[Participation fee] Free
Kyushu University Faculty of Design / SDGs Design Unit
Design Thinkers Group Australia, RMIT
Kyushu University Faculty of Design, Inamura, Zhang



