NewsGlobal Goals Jam Trans-local: Japan 2022 Talk Event The Present State of Global Design Activities Spreading Toward the SDGs2022.7.8
The SDGs Design Unit, the Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, will hold a pre-event on July 15, before the Global Goals Jam Trans-local: Japan, to be held on September 17 and 18, 2022.
This event will introduce the activities of the “Global Goals Jam,” a two-day workshop held worldwide to think about sustainability from a global perspective and generate ideas for solving local issues. The session will introduce methods for sharing the perspectives of participants and stakeholders on issues and for conducting “Trans-local” collaborations that transcend regional boundaries, based on both global and local perspectives necessary for achieving the SDGs.
# Information
Date:2022.7.15(Fri) 19:00-20:30 (JST)
Venue: online
Fee: Free of charge
Capacity: 100 people (priority given to applications/first-come-first-served basis)
*Participants will be notified of the URL to join by the day of the event.
# Timetable
19:00-19:10 Introduction
19:10-19:30 About Global Goals Jam / SDGs and design trends in the world
19:30-20:00 Introducing the six themes of Global Goals Jam 2022
20:00-20:20 Discussion
20:20-20:30 Question and answer session & summary
# To Apply
# Recommended for those who are interested in
-People who are interested in global trends on the SDGs
-People who are interested in the SDGs and want to take action
-People who are interested in and working on creative social problem-solving
-People who are interested in hybrid face-to-face/online design methods and design sprint methods
# Co-organized by
Co-organized by: Faculty of Design Kyushu University, Kyoto Sangyo Faculty of Information Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University Faculty of International Integrated Science, FabCafe Kyoto
# For inquiries
Miwa Tsuruta (Faculty of Design, Kyushu University) | ggj[at]
Please change [at] to @
*What is the Global Goals Jam?
The Global Goals Jam is a two-day workshop for international citizens to think about sustainability from a global perspective and generate ideas for solving local issues to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Global Goals Jam started in 2016, and so far, more than 200 jams have been held, with more than 8,000 participants and more than 1,000 ideas generated.
It is a global-scale initiative where designers, programmers, engineers, researchers, citizens, and many others bring their creative ideas and strengths to contribute to the SDGs. The results of the Global Goals Jam will be public via the Internet under a Creative Commons license and will become shared knowledge for the world.