NewsNotice of Change to SDGs Design International Awards 2019 due to new coronavirus (COVID-19)2020.3.2

Due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus in many countries, including Japan, the award ceremony for SDGs Design International Awards 2019 scheduled on March 14, 2020, is cancelled. However, the award presentation and judging will still be held. It will be held in Kyushu University Ohashi Campus with only a small group of people involved. The selected finalists who are overseas students will present their proposal via the online platform. Judges from overseas will also participate in the judging via the online platform.
The winners will be announced on the day of the event. Please feel free to contact us for media coverage. We will also broadcast the video recording of the presentation and judgment over the internet later.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
SDGs Design International Awards 2019
Executive Committee
+81 92 553 9461