NewsJapan-China Design Symposium & Asian Design Symposium2020.11.18

Against the backdrop of unprecedented changes in society, the qualitative and ever-changing
design concepts and areas are rapidly expanding. To solve the diverse and complex societal challenges that the 20th century has left unaddressed, we must explore the causes of the issues, the needs, and the clues for solutions from a multifaceted perspective. It is recognized that the original role of design can be a valid method in all stages of the creative process. Given the growing social role and expectations for design, we believe that it is necessary to reconstruct the concept and methodology of education and research in the field of design studies.
Therefore, the Japan-China Design Conference and the Asian Design Conference will focus on culture, art, industry, and human resource development in the Asian region to create new academic research fields through collaboration with design universities in Asia. We aim to form an education and research base of design studies unique to Asia, promote design research and education, and actively contribute to the creation of future society.
[Date]November 29th, 2020 9:00-17:10
Japan-China Design Syposium(9:00-12:00)
9:00 Purpose of the plenary session and introduction for participants, Director, Center for designed Futures Masahiro Kiyosumi, Kyushu University
9:05 Opening Remarks, Vice President of Kyushu University, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Masakazu Tani
Part 1
The Current Status of Design Universities in Japan and China and the Potential and Effects of International Cooperation
9:10 Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Design and Arts, Dear, Professor Jianmin Yang
9:25 Tongi University, College of Design and Innovation, Secretary, Professor Shengxi Fan
9:40 The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture and Allie Art, Dean, Professor Kang Shen
9:55 Dalian University of Technology, School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dean, Professor Jian Tan
10:10 Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, School of Art, Dean, Professor Min Li
10:25 Break
10:30 Kyushu University, Faculty of Design, Associate Professor Yoshitaka Sugimoto
10:45 Sapporo City University, School of Design, Dean, Professor Tamon Hosoya
Part 2
The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Design
11:00 Intellectual Property Rights in China, Associate Professor Wanli Cai
11:15 IntellectIntellectual Property Rights in Japan, Associate Professor Tsukasa Aso
11:30 Discussion
Asia Design Conference(13:00-17:10)
13:00 Purpose of the plenary session and introduction for participants, Director, Center for Designed Futures Masahiro Kiyosumi, Kyushu University
Part 1
Sharing Design Studies Education and Research Initiatives in Asia
13:05 Initiatives of Asian Cooperation with Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Vice President of Kyushu University, Dean of the Faculty of Design, Masakazu Tani
13:15 Chiba University, Associate Professor Kenta Ono
13:30 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Professor Eizo Okada
13:45 Korea KAIST prof.Tek-Jin Nam Dean
14:00 Bandung Institute of Technology, prof.Intan Rizky Mutiaz M
14:15 Break
14:25 Hong Kong Polytechnic University, prof.Kun-Pyo LEE
14:40 Nanyang Technological University prof.Peer M SATHIKH
14:55 Silpakorn University prof. Non Khuncumc hoo
15:10 National Taipei University of Technology prof. Chih-Hong Huang
15:25 Break
15:35 Discussion
Part 2
The Possibility of International Cooperation in Design Education
16:15 Initiatives of National and Public Design Universities, Kyushu University, Associate professor Ryoichi Tamura
16:30 Discussion
17:00 Closing Remarks, Director, Center for Designed Futures Masahiro Kiyosumi, Kyushu University
17:10 End of Meeting
Center for Designed Futures, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
Miwa Tsuruta, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
tsuruta.miwa.226 (a)