NewsThe 3rd Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference2021.9.22

Twenty-two japanese universities with a proven track record in the field of design and the Japan Institute of Design Promotion will collaborate to hold the Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference in FY2019.
The purpose of the Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference is to create new academic research areas in collaboration with design universities in Japan and other Asian countries, form an international research center for design studies, and promote design study education research.
The Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference focuses on the culture, arts, industry, and human resource development in Asia. It hopes to promote collaborative education and discuss common issues related to design education and research at universities and aim to improve and develop design education and research.
The 3rd Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference
Date: September 25th, 2021, 13:30p.m. – 17:00p.m.
Holding Method: Online
■Symposium “New Normal: New Relationship between Society and Design” 13:30~15:50
Opening Remarks 13:30~13:35
1. Masakazu Tani (Vice President, Kyushu University, Dean of Faculty of Design)
2. Guest Greeting 13:35~13:45
Tatsuhiro Shiokawa (Director, Specialized Education Division, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology)
Hiroshi Harakawa (Assistant Director, Design Policy Office, Cool Japan Policy Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry)
3. Election of Chairperson 13:45 – 13:50
4. New Relationship between New Normal, Society and Design 13:50~15:45
(1) Report on case studies 13:50~15:20
[Students] Nagaoka Institute of Design
[Regional] Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts
[International] University of Tsukuba
(2) Exchange of opinions 15:20 – 15:35
(3) Comments by guests 15:35 – 15:45 5.
5. Symposium Closing Remarks 15:45 – 15:50
Akira Omoto (Deputy Dean, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, and incoming Dean)
■General Meeting 16:00 – 17:00
1. agenda 16:00-16:45
(1) Report: Design Academia/Booklet and Website
(2) Discussion ・Meeting
Membership fee
Design Academia/Booklet and Website
2. Schedule for next meeting 16:45~16:50 3.
3. Closing Remarks 16:50 – 17:00
Masahiro Kiyosumi (President of the Center for Designed Futures of Kyushu University)
In charge of the operation
Faculty of Design, Kyushu University
Center for Designed Futures of Kyushu University
Japan Institute of Design Promotion
Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities