ReportsFaculty of Design + Faculty of Agriculture “Rediscovering nanocellulose: the future of containers” Results Presentation2019.3.20

As part of the SDGs design unit’s activities, the Faculty of Design and Faculty of Agriculture of Kyushu University, teamed up, using the new material nanocellulose* made by Professor Tetsuo Kondo for the “Rediscovering nanocellulose: the future of containers” project, which took the form of a series of workshops. The participants had fun while exploring the possibilities of the material, using the power of design to challenge themselves to unlock the endless possibilities of nanocellulose. A total of twelve people, including students and faculty from Kyushu University’s Faculty of Design Graduate School and Faculty of Agriculture Graduate School as well as participants from outside the university, took part in the project, holding four workshops (listed below) and repeating a process of understanding, imagining, experimenting, and creating in order to envision the future of containers.
*What is nanocellulose?
Nanocellulose refers to cellulose nanofibers—the main component of plant cell walls, cellulose, broken down to the nano level. Eight times as strong as steel at only one fifth the weight, this natural material is highly safe, is a strong thermal conductor, and can be shaped into thin membranes. In recent years, this new material has been garnering attention for its potential applications in industrial products, food, cosmetics, and various other fields.
Workshop 1: Kick off, “Let’s learn about nanocellulose”
January 8, 2019 (Tuesday), 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Venue: Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture
Workshop 2: Ideas development + prototype 1
January 30, 2019 (Wednesday), 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Venue: Art Workshop, Kyushu University Faculty of Design
Workshop 3: Ideas development + prototype 2
February 7, 2019 (Thursday), 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Venue: Art Workshop, Kyushu University Faculty of Design
Workshop 4: Preparation for presentation
March 2, 2019 (Saturday), 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Art Workshop, Kyushu University Faculty of Design
At 4:00 pm on March 2, 2019, the participants presented their design proposals and showed their prototypes on the second floor of the Faculty of Design, Design Commons. It was attended by 50 people, which consisted of both the people involved in the project and outsiders. The participants are as follows:
“Real Paper Container” by Kenya Uchimura, Design Strategy major
“Creation Container” by Nanako Tsuru, third year Engineering Design student
“Feelings Container” by Mutsumi Hida, third year Engineering Design student
“Tears Container” by Chise Sumida, second year Engineering Design student
“Forgotten Container” by Ayaka Yoshimura, outside supporter and former Goody Favo employee
“Vertical Container” by Takuto Nagashima, Design Strategy major
“Light Container” by Kaoru Haruhiko, Faculty of Design Graduate School academic researcher
“Rain Container” by Moegi Tsuruda, fourth year Engineering Design student
“Return to Earth Container” by Moe Shimomura, Faculty of Design Graduate School academic researcher
“Electric Container” by Naoshige Akita, Design Strategy Department assistant professor
The attendees gave positive feedback, stating that they were interested in nanocellulose, found the ideas interesting, and gained a sense of the possibilities of the material and possible applications in their fields.
To solve social problems with the power of design, we are planning to expand this project further in 2019. If you are interested in the project, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Workshop 1

Workshop 2