ReportsVisiting to Rwanda, South Africa2019.3.20

On February 8th–20th, 2019, Professors Masakazu Tani and Shigeki Inoue of Kyushu University Faculty of Design visited to observe leading case studies in South Africa.
The world has its sights set on Africa as the final frontier, and many companies are planning to expand onto the continent. We went to observe the current state of what might happen there, what will be needed in the future, and what design can do.
Our first stop was Rwanda, where we visited the ICT Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is a measure to increase economic growth as a nation founded on ICT, and the Tumba College of Technology. We also visited JICA Rwanda and the SDG Center to ask about current initiatives. Meanwhile, we also observed the Miyove sector, a poor area where children live in a chronic state of malnourishment, and discussed the issues faced there. Rwanda is called the miracle of Africa, and we would like to act in concert with locals to figure out what can be done so that no person is left behind.
Our next stop was South Africa, where we visited Johannesburg and Cape Town to observe cutting-edge case studies in design by universities and designers. South Africa used to be an apartheid state, and although people of many different races live there, one can feel the gaps and economic disparity between the communities.
Africa is a continent comprised of 54 countries, and although there are many common issues faced by all, the causes and underlying factors are different. By going to these locations in person, we were able to experience the backgrounds of those who live there, and specific issues and causes become apparent. In order to move the project forward, we intend to cooperate with locals to gather data and perform repeated inspections. We hope that you will follow our progress closely.

University of Rwanda

University of Johannesburg

In Cape Town