ReportsSDGs Design School - PET.ART: Recycling PET bottle art design workshop series2018.6.18

SDGs Design School workshop shared with young children on the possibility of recycling PET bottles to make them into art sculptures or useful products that can enhance the beauty of our living space and as a small effort to make our environment more sustainable.
This was a part of the Fukuoka city Minami-ku Children’s University 2018 activities.
This workshop was conducted in English to create opportunities for English conversation and learning. The workshop also encourage speaking and learning of English and to create a multi-lingual learning campus in Ohashi Campus.
Instructors are trained secondary school teachers teaching design in Singapore.
Students or parents who know a bit of English are also encouraged to join the workshop.
There were many hands-on activities, participants enjoyed this workshop as a family time.
The SDGs Design School is one of the activities of the SDGs Design Unit of Kyushu University Faculty of Design. It is a educational activity to tell citizens widely from children to adults what can we do for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in the area of design.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
9:00 – 12:00
Kyushu University, Ohashi Campus, Block 2 Level 2
4-9-1 Shiobaru, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka 815-8540
10 groups.
1 group = 1 child or 2 children (age 7-12) and parents, maximum 4 persons.
Free of Charge
