NewsScreening of the movie "Daddy Long Legs"2019.11.19

The Kyushu University, SDGs Design Unit, conducts SDGs activities that aim to achieve a sustainable society. We will screen a movie “Daddy Long Legs” that resonates with the SDGs philosophy at Ohashi Campus on December 2, 2019.
This movie featured the orphans in Africa and Uganda who lost their parents to AIDs and the orphans from the Tohoku Earthquake. The children came together to perform at the New York Broadway. The movie is in line with the SDGs goals: “Eliminate poverty / Quality education for all / Realize gender equality / Eliminate inequality in the country / Have peace and justice all the way.” We hope that through the movie, it will deepen your understanding of SDGs.
After the screening, a talk will be held with Mr Shinji Shinoda and Professor Shigeki Inoue, Kyushu University SDGs Design Unit. A buffet party-style social gathering will follow after the event. It will be held on the first floor. (From 19:30 pm ~)
Director Shinji Shinoda:
Born in 1961. Shinoda graduated from Sophia University, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Portuguese Department. From 1983, he interned for one year at a company in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Tamai Yoshiomi established and promoted that internship/study abroad program, and Shinoda has been involved in Ashinaga for many years even after graduation. In 1985, he joined the Tokyo Broadcasting System Inc. as a director and producer, and he has created news and documentary programs for many years. Also, he has been responsible for producing cultural business events, digital strategic planning, director of public relations at the professional baseball team Yokohama Baystars, and advertising for new programs. Currently, he is independent, directing sKyushu University Ohashi Campus, Design Commons 2Ftage productions, making visual media products, etc. Daddy Long Legs is his first feature film.
December 2nd, 2019: Opens at 17:30, Screening starts at 18:00
Kyushu University Ohashi Campus, Design Commons 2F
(4-9-1 Shiobaru Minami-ku Fukuoka Japan)
Free Admission
Movie “Long Legs Daddy” Screening Executive Committee