NewsScience & Design Vol.32019.11.28

Symposium Theme: “The Business Perspective”
In recent years, the field of design has expanded beyond just making things into offering solutions for societal issues as well as integrating other services. It is now essential for a good design to be able to be explained logically. One of the key components to doing that is science, which offers an understanding of human beings and the environment.
For our third annual symposium, we have invited researchers and entrepreneurs that are active in the business world. We are hoping to think more about the connection between science and design in business, and possible collaborations between businesses and universities.
We look forward to having you.
2:00 p.m.– Welcome + Explanation Naoyuki Oi (Faculty of Design, Kyushu University)
2:15 p.m.– Tomohiro Imai (Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd.)
“The strength of academia from the viewpoint of a leader of collaborative research”
3:00 p.m.– Ryunosuke Iwakawa (Medmain Inc.・Kyushu University)
“Universities and Startups”
3:45 p.m.– Break
4:00 p.m.– Masaki Sawayama (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
“Towards understanding cognitive function in daily life ”
4:45 p.m.– Koki Noguchi (Panasonic Corporation)
“Light design that promotes a healthy circadian rhythm”
5:30 p.m.– General Discussion
6:15 p.m. Closing
6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (First floor, Design Commons)
*Please contact us in advance if you would like to participate in the meet and greet.
e-mail: motomura★
※Please replace the ★ in the email address with @.