ReportsReport of 1st Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference2019.11.15

The 1st Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference was held on Saturday, October 5, 2019, at the International Design Liaison Center in Tokyo Midtown Design Hub.
Under the sponsorship of the Kyushu University Faculty of Design, the Center for Designed Futures of Kyushu University, and the Japan Institute of Design Promotion, a total of 18 universities attended the conference.
Participating universities by region (* Universities absent due to appointments)
[Hokkaido region]
Future University Hakodate
Sapporo City University (*)
[Tohoku region]
Iwate University
Akita University of Art
[Kanto region]
University of Tsukuba
Chiba University
Tokyo Metropolitan University
[Central region]
Nagaoka Institute of Design
Toyama University
Kanazawa College of Art
Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Nagoya City University (*)
Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts
[Kinki region]
Kyoto City University of Arts
Kyoto Institute of Technology(*)
[Chugoku Shikoku region]
Okayama Prefectural University
Hiroshima City University
Onomichi City University (planned) (*)
Kagawa University
[Kyushu Okinawa region]
Kyushu University
Saga University
The Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts (*)
The conference started with the opening remarks from the Dean of Kyushu University, Faculty of Design, Professor Masakazu Tani. It was followed with the talks given by Mr Akira Tamagami, Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Mr Takuya Kikuchi, Assistant Manager of the Cool Japan Policy Division and Design Policy Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Service Group.
The conference consists of two parts and a discussion. Part 1 introduces the agenda of the conference and the Design Academia website. Part 2 presents the case studies of each university. We have Professor Ryusuke Imanaka from the Akita University of Art, Associate Professor Shogo Baba from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Associate Professor Kenya Kitamura from Kanazawa College of Art, Professor Yuichi Izu from Shizuoka University of Arts and Culture, Professor Setsuko Takai from Kyoto City University of Arts and Professor Masakuza Tani from Kyushu University. The discussion was engaging with views from various universities sought, and an agreement made on the future expectations for the conference.
After that, various opinions were exchanged at the information exchange meeting, which was very meaningful. This Association of Design Departments and Schools in Japanese Public Universities Conference is the first attempt in Japan. Kyushu University Center for Designed Futures with the cooperation of the universities and the Japan Institute of Design Promotion became a great start-up project.
The next event will be held in Fukuoka. We can look forward to more of such meetings, development of design studies and a place to conceive various proposals for the country and government.

October 5th, 2019 (Saturday)
Tokyo Midtown, Design Hub International, Design Liaison Center
Midtown Tower 5F, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
Kyushu University Center of Designed Futures