ReportsThe Human Environment Design Department's Symposium "Science and Design 2"2019.11.28

The Human Environment Design Department’s Symposium “Science and Design 2” was held.
Symposium Theme: “The Potential of Science in Design”
Date: Friday, February 22, 2019, 13:10-17:30
Venue: Kyushu University Ohashi Campus, Design Common 2F (4-9-1 Shiobara, Minami-Ku, Fukuoka City)
In recent years, the scope of design has expanded beyond manufacturing to include services, solving social problems, and creating mechanisms. Good design needs to logically explain the reasons for its creation. One of the grounds for this is an understanding of humans and the environment as a science. In this symposium, we discussed the possibility of science in design through practical examples of education and research at design universities and faculties in Japan.
13:10 Opening Remarks Shigeki Inoue (Deputy Director, Center for Designed Futures, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University)
13:15 Explanation of the purpose of the event Hiroyuki Ito (Faculty of Design, Kyushu University)
13:30 Tokushu Inamura (Faculty of Design, Kyushu University)
Entrance to Post-Human-Centered Design
14:15 Kazuo Isoda (AB Center, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.)
Cognitive and Behavioral Understanding of Interactive Media: Approaches to Information and Communication Design at DNP Museum Lab
15:00 Break
15:15 Haruo Hibino (Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University / BB STONE Design Psychology Laboratory, Inc.
New Value Added by Evidence-based Design – From the Perspective of Design Psychology
16:00 Toshikazu Kato (Departmet of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Chuo University)
Diversity of Sensibility and Design
16:45 Break
16:50 General Discussion
17:30 End